jeudi 24 décembre 2009
mardi 8 décembre 2009
St Leu Paddle Race 7 miles

Belle initiative du St Leu Surf Club.
Dimanche 6 Décembre a eu lieu la première course de SUP de la Réunion.
Une très belle réussite, grâce a son esprit convivial.
Beau résultat pour nos windsurfers Jean Michel Soliveri et Philippe Joris, respectivement second et premier en catégorie SUP.
Belle perf pour Phil alias "Le Belge" trés performant sur son SUP Quatro 11"4 ... qui a réalisé le parcours en 1H42m14s
Quatro Freestyle Wave 85 l d'occasion
mercredi 25 novembre 2009
Les dernières sessions dans l'Ouest.

St Leu ou Trou d'eau.
Morceaux choisis avec Mathieu derrière l'objectif:

dimanche 8 novembre 2009
L'affaire de la semaine
samedi 24 octobre 2009
Quatro twin fin 68 l d'occasion
dimanche 4 octobre 2009
Des infos techniques sur la gamme Quatro 2010
This new and unique 2010 Quatro line offers our latest in leading edge designs for ultimate performance. We have the freedom to offer a versatile set of boards that perform in a diverse set of conditions by incorporating our latest concepts, together with our knowledge and experience in the real world of windsurfing.
Shaper and founder Keith Teboul shapes and builds the boards for most of the professional windsurfers in the world today- from world champions to free sailors- it is his life and passion to create the vehicles that help any sailor push their limits. This experience in the custom world allows him to offer the most high performance oriented production line for you to enjoy everywhere you want to sail.
2010 will offer some models in two different Premium Constructions: PVC and Wood.
Premium PVC (Performance and Strength): From our Pro riders and testing grounds on Maui, Hawaii and around world, together with our experienced craftsmanship we were able to achieve the most impact resistant, high-end construction board. Working with most advanced materials in our industry today- PVC double Sandwich Technology, PVC, Wood and Glass Stringers combined with technical Biaxial Glass and Carbon Lay ups, these boards are the ultimate in light weight and extreme durability.
Premium Wood (Performance and Value): Our board building experience has led us to the strongest and most lightweight materials available. With these materials we are able to achieve a strong construction while keeping the weight on the light side giving our riders the best of both worlds. Using both PVC and Wood Sandwich in a strong lay up schedule, these boards are very durable and impact resistant.
The Quatro WAVE SINGLE FIN is the ideal choice of boards for any type of wave conditions around the world. The early planning and forgiving feel are the key concepts of this line of boards, giving the rider the comfort and control to feel at home anywhere he or she desires to sail.
The WAVE SINGLE FIN line is now even more complete with a 64 liter board with very specific characteristics emphasizing maximum speed and control. This board is not just an extension of the range, it offers great performance and control for high winds, wavy and choppy conditions. The New 64 will be your best choice when sailing in strong wind conditions or if you are a lighter sailor looking for a board with top performance.
The larger sizes of WAVE SINGLE FIN boards keep the important characteristics of early planning and forgiving feel with our progressive concept design. The greater the volume, the earlier the board will plain and the more stable it will become. This gives the rider a progressive range to perform as the conditions change.
Premium PVC Construction is available in 64, 72, 78 and 86 Liters
Premium Wood Construction is available in 78 and 86 Liters
:: RYTHM Wave Twin Fin
Hard Core Wave sailing has now shifted its gears and has gone for this powerful new design. What has been a rarity is now the new trend. The RHYTHM twin fin boards allow you to finish your turns all the way, resulting in a continuous motion from the bottom turn to the off the top, going right back down the line. The two fins put the rails in the water sooner and keep them in the water throughout the whole turn.
International magazine tests around the world have credited this line of twin fin boards as the best fitted line of boards for side shore conditions for medium to expert sailors. Most of the professional wave sailors in the world today to whom we make custom boards ride boards just like these. No compromises and full performance.
Regardless of whether your style is front or back foot influenced, you will definitely feel a whole new sensation, doing turns you've never done before, at a speed you never thought possible. The modern lengths, rockers and thickness flows work in perfect combination with the RHYTHM Twin Fins, fueling the fire for this new style of wave sailing. This new direction of sailing is being strongly influenced by a desire to surf and slide in the waves as a surfer does, going into the critical part of the wave with confidence and making the wave ride more fluid overall. The combination of uncompromising control and quickness allows the rider to really charge in any size waves, and gives the freedom to do new moves- which is what the Quatro Wave RYTHM Twin Fin boards are all about.
Only available in Premium PVC Construction as these boards are designed for the most extreme conditions. Available in 68, 75 and 81 Liters
:: TEMPO Wave Twin Fin.
Ideal for all around wave sailing, the new TEMPO Wave Twin Fin line offers the perfect balance between early planning, speed, stability and that new loose feeling that twin fins are all about. Compared to the RYTHM, the all new TEMPO line is designed for any type of wave conditions you may encounter around the globe.
These boards have a wider outline, a progressive bottom contour together with bullet fast rocker giving the rider a board less demanding and radical in the waves.
The modern lengths, rockers and thickness flows work in perfect combination with the tempo Wave Twin Fin as well, fueling the fire for that new style of wave sailing but with an extra touch of speed and easy feel of ride for poor wave sailing conditions. This new direction of sailing is being strongly influenced by a desire to surf and slide in the waves as modern surfers do. The speed and stability that these new boards offer give the riders high-end performance in less powerful waves and in fluky, gusty winds.
Premium PVC Construction is available in 76, 84 and 92 Liters
Premium Wood Construction is available in 76, 84 and 92 Liters
The FREESTYLE WAVE is the perfect one board for ALL conditions you may encounter. A perfect blend of early planning, speed and maneuverability- the new FREESTYLE WAVE boards offer great performance, and now for 2010- with a touch more wave sailing capabilities.
Magazine tests have credited the FREESTYLE WAVE as one of the most versatile line of boards in this category as they offer great planning ability together with control, comfort and incredible maneuverability.
These boards are very easy to sail helping the riders get the most out of their sailing time. The FREESTYLE WAVE’s rocker line allows the board to pop on a plane easily- reaching top speeds with total control. The small bevel on the tail allows for control and ease of turning at high speeds.
Excellent jumping ability and a quick crispy ride give these boards a ideal balance for all flat water, waves and freestyle riding.
Premium PVC Construction is available in 75, 85, 95 and 105 Liters
Premium Wood Construction is available in 75, 85, 95 and 105 Liters
The FREERIDE model offers a great combination of ease of ride, comfort and fun. The FREERIDE is a light board with great acceleration and unlimited top speed. These characteristics are achieved by combining a moderate length, full outline, and a lightning fast rocker.
The bottom features an accelerating V that becomes more defined towards the tail, making the board extremely fast and allowing the rider to keep their speed and control while turning or jibing.
There is a slight double concave by the mast track to absorb those hard hits while sailing at top speeds on choppy water, making your ride more comfortable, stable and ultimately, faster.
These boards bring you the maximum fun in free riding and light wind sailing.
Only available in Premium Wood Construction with 110, 125 and 150 Liters
The whole 2010 line benefits of improved and new features making your sailing experience more enjoyable than ever.
MFC Fins in all models
New foot straps: thick and cushy the ALL new MFC foot straps with a traditional adjusting system will make you forget you even have your feet in them.
New pads: 8mm thick pad with double density provide optimum shock absorption, grip and reactivity. New shape and density maximizes comfort and performance.
Ant twist washer: combined with Jaws standard washer, the anti-twist washer will avoid even the slightest twist of your foot straps.
Tune up indicators: Where to set your fin or mast track? All the range has easy setting indicator to help you tune your equipment for maximum performance and pleasure.
Length Width Width 30cm tailThickness
Wave HiWind 64 232.1 52.1 33.1 10.3
Wave 72 237.5 53.6 32.9 11.1
Wave 78 240.4 55.8 34.1 11.2
Wave 86 242.3 57.9 36.6 11.7
Twin Rhythm 68 227.8 53.4 31.3 11
Twin Rhythm 75 230.05 55.3 32 12
Twin Rhythm 81 234.2 57.3 33.2 12
Twin Tempo 76 231 56 34.7 11.4
Twin Tempo 84 233 58.3 36.2 12
Twin Tempo 92 236.4 59.9 36.6 12.9
FSW 75 235 56.3 35.3 11.1
FSW 85 236.9 58.5 36.6 11.8
FSW 95 240 61.2 38 12.1
FSW 105 241.7 64.2 39.1 12.8
Freeride 110 236.2 62.4 42.3 12.6
Freeride 125 245.9 67.7 47 13.2
Freeride 150 253.4 74.8 51.9 13.8
La gamme Quatro 2010 visible chez Réunion Windsurfshop
De l'info sur la Goya sails Guru 2010
Seconde saison pour la Guru et une voile en construction Full X-Ply/PVC.
Souple et flexible le profil de la Guru se neutralise rapidement. Idéale pour les petits gabarits et dans le vent fort avec un profil stable et souple, la Guru est la voile de Keith Teboul et Fransico Goya!
La surface en tête a été réduite en 2010 pour un feeling plus rapide dans les mains et augmenter le contrôle et le confort. Les surfaces de 3.7 à 4.5 ont vu leur longueur de wishbone augmentée pour plus de puissance et de stabilité sur ces surfaces.
la taille et la position de la fenêtre ont été modifié pour alléger la voile et améliorer la visibilité.
taille | wish | mat | tetière | mat recommandé |
2.7 | 128 | 310 | vario | 340/15 |
3.0 | 134 | 327 | vario | 340/15 |
3.3 | 139 | 348 | vario | 340/15 |
3.7 | 145 | 376 | vario | 370/17 |
4.0 | 150 | 393 | vario | 370/17 |
4.2 | 155 | 397 | vario | 370/17 |
4.5 | 159 | 407 | fixe | 400/19 |
4.7 | 163 | 417 | fixe | 400/19 |
5.0 | 167 | 427 | fixe | 400/19 |
5.3 | 175 | 427 | fixe | 400/19 |
De l'info sur la Goya sails Eclipse 2010
Nouveau modèle pour 2010, l'Eclipse est la voile "Worldwide Power Wave" de la gamme. Un feeling direct avec de la puissance et du contrôle dans toutes les conditions. L'Eclipse a été développé en collaboration avec Levi Siver, Francisco Goya et le feedback de tout le team Goya Sails. Jason Diffin a conçu une voile puissante dotée d'une large plage d'utilisation. Compacte, l'Eclipse est dotée du concept de tête de voile réduite que l'on retrouve sur toute la gamme pour un feeling direct avec du confort et du contrôle sur l'eau. L'eclipse est également disponible en version monofilm (coloris violet/jaune uniquement).
taille | wish | mat | tetière | mat recommandé |
3.4 | 142 | 357 | vario | 340/15 ou 370/17 |
3.7 | 148 | 377 | vario | 370/17 |
4.1 | 155 | 387 | vario | 370/17 |
4.4 | 160 | 397 | vario | 370/17 |
4.7 | 165 | 407 | fixe | 400/19 |
5.0 | 170 | 417 | fixe | 400/19 |
5.3 | 175 | 427 | fixe | 400/19 |
5.7 | 180 | 442 | fixe | 430/21 |
6.2 | 189 | 457 | fixe | 430/21 |
6.7 | 199 | 472 | fixe | 460/25 |
samedi 3 octobre 2009
La Réunion Wave Classic sur dailydose.de
La Réunion Wave Classic sur WindsurferInternational.com

Au sommaire de ce numéro deux, un belle article sur la Réunion Wave Classic écrit par Scott Mc Kercher.
lundi 21 septembre 2009
Goya sails 09 en promo chez Réunion WIndsurfshop.

C'est une voile designer par Jason Diffin(ex Simmer).
Elle est disponible chez Réunion Windsurfshop en promotion
Ex: 4.5 Guru 569€ (prix métropole)vendu en promotion à 410€ (-30%)
5.0 Guru 589€ (prix métropole)vendu en promotion à 420€ (-30%)

Voilà, c'est fini.
Best Team(Steven Pichot, Victor Fernandez, Julien Taboulet, Colin Sifferlin).
Best Wipe Out: Alex Mussolini.
Best Moove:Klass Voget.
Best Local: Pierre Godet.
Best Rider: Camille Juban.
Merci à tous ceux qui, de prés ou de loin, nous aidé a organisé cette évènement.
Merci aux riders et à l'année prochaine on l'espere...